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Rhyming Dust Bunnies!

Rhyming Dust Bunnies, by Jan Thomas, will make you laugh out loud, root for the underdog and realize how creative rhymes can be. This book draws in young readers with four colorful dust bunnies: Ed, Ned, Ted and Bob. The first three rhyme all the time, while the fourth one, Bob, chooses to be a sort of dust bunny watchdog or lookout man. The first three bunnies rhyme, have fun and play using simple words and funny facial expressions, while Bob keeps watch over their safety. Because what do grown-ups like to do to dust bunnies found on the floor, under the couch or hiding behind furniture? Yes, you guessed it. Grown-ups like to sweep or vacuum them up so dust bunnies must always be on the lookout! Will Bob save his three friends from the “big, scary monster,” aka a human? Find out in this truly remarkable children’s book that not only entertains young minds, but teaches them as well. Children will be delighted by colors, rhymes and true friendship between these four lovable dust bunnies.

I found this book while browsing the library shelves and the title caught my eye. Once I read it to my boys, I was hooked and immediately put it on our Favorites shelf in our Goodreads account. My boys and I laughed reading it over and over. At the time, my youngest was just starting to understand the concept of rhyming. I told other moms and a few preschool teachers about the book, sure they knew about it, but unfortunately had never heard of it. My son’s preschool teacher later bought a copy and when she read it to the four-year-old class, they enjoyed it so much that they demanded she read it again. It is just that type of book, children want to listen to it over and over again and adults will never tire of reading it.

Jan Thomas’ other books are similar in theme. They are educational and fun with colorful illustrations geared toward both children and adults. Thomas has a knack for writing children’s books with adult humor but not to the extent that a child doesn’t understand. There is nothing better for an adult to read a children’s book and enjoy it as much as the child.

Some of our other Jan Thomas favorites are: The Doghouse, A Birthday for Cow and Let’s Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy. And once your read Rhyming Dust Bunnies, be sure to read the continuation book, Here Comes the Big, Mean Dust Bunny!

Kudos to Jan Thomas. We love you and we hope you write many more books to come. Visit her website today at

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