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The Beauty of Dreams

When you hear the word, "dream" do you think of what essentially comes to life when you are asleep? Or do you think of it as aspirations and goals for your life? Both are correct terminology for the word "dream," but I want to take some time to explore dreams that people want to attain in life.

Having dreams or goals for your life is very important. It keeps us moving forward, working and motivated. It gives us something to strive for, something to look forward to. It helps us stay on the path. The best part about dreams is that it can be anything you want for your life. Dreams change over time depending on your age and situation. A thirteen year old might dream of graduating high school. A ten year old might dream of meeting Taylor Swift. A twenty-eight year old might dream of getting married and having children, being a CEO or travelling the world. Dreams are endless and the possibilities are open to anything you desire. That is the true beauty of dreams: it can be anything you want. You might dream about running a marathon, climbing Mt. Everest or becoming a famous musician. Others might dream of one day travelling to Italy or learning how to cook, paint or draw. Someone else might dream of seeing their favorite band in concert, learning their ancestry or finding a long lost love. Some people might dream of ways to better their life. They might dream about quitting smoking or drinking or becoming a better parent. Some people might dream of living in a special town or city, buying a home or being able to take a vacation each year. Someone who was adopted might dream of finding their birth parents. Someone else might dream about finding a cure for cancer. Others might dream of winning a gold medal in the Olympics, earning the Nobel Peace Prize or writing a New York Times Bestseller. Little boys might dream of becoming a policeman, fireman or construction worker. Little girls might dream of becoming a doctor, teacher or ballerina. Unfortunately, some dreams are related to a person's health. A person with a terminal illness might dream of being cured. A person in need of an organ donation might dream about getting the call that a match is available. It is the dream that makes us keep living, the thing that pushes us forward, keeps us focused on the goal.

When I was younger, my dream was to one day publish a novel. I knew it would take a great deal of practice and hard work. In high school, I was a writer and editor for the yearbook. After graduation, I went to Widener University where I chose English as my major. I also joined the newspaper staff where I was a writer and then became copy editor and sports editor. I read a lot of novels and literature. After graduation, I became a tech writer before becoming a meeting and event planner. Writing took a back seat during this time, but I never forgot my dream. In the late 1990s, I had a life experience that was the initial inspiration for His Kate. Around 2005, I began writing a chick lit/humorous manuscript about a woman living in Boston who was having difficulty job searching. I wrote 90,000 words and realized it will probably never amount to anything. Looking back, that was a practice run. I then began His Kate and finished the first draft in 2008. I had it professionally edited and then my first son was born. Writing once again took a back seat. Baby number two came along in 2010 and all writing was put on hold. Once the kids were a little older, I got back to it, determined to finish the editing and rewriting. I worked hard and decided I would self publish instead of trying to find an agent. I signed with Archway Publishing in May 2015 and after much more rewriting, editing, choosing fonts and designs and much more, His Kate was published in March 2016. My dream came true. I never stopped believing in the story, my writing and making my dream a reality.

It is important to put a plan into place to achieve your dreams. A step by step plan will help you stay on track and keep you focused on what you are working toward. The most important advice I can share is to believe in yourself, believe in your dreams and know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. The mind is very powerful. You can make your dreams come true. Have faith, have a plan and stay on track. Envision how you will feel when your dream comes true. Email me if you would like and tell me your dreams, your aspirations, your story. I would love to hear from you!

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