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2,500 & Counting Children's Book Blog

I am thrilled to debut the “2,500 & Counting Children’s Book Blog”. Why the title? We recently reached 2,500 books read on our Goodreads account (Dylan & Devon Tandoc) that I maintain for my two sons, Dylan (age 7) and Devon (age 6). I am far from the perfect mom and am not a formal educator, but do have a passion for books, children’s literacy and quiet time to read. I also appreciate the fact that babies and children learn from books. Books help children learn words, vocabulary, word meanings, pronunciation and letter sounds. Books enable children to learn unlimited concepts and facts. Children can learn about the world around them such as numbers, shapes, letters, colors, animals, relatives, clothing, foods, vehicles, places, and so much more.

Some of my favorite memories when my children were very young were sitting in a Pier One Papasan chair snuggled up with my kids and reading to them. They sat quietly and listened, mesmerized by the pictures, pointing to various colors, shapes, objects, people, numbers and places. My children would make it well known, before they could talk, which books they wanted me to read. I would read the same board books over and over as if their little minds simply couldn’t get enough.

Books are crucial to a child’s development and it is never too early to start. I started reading simple brightly colored boards books when my babies were two months old. I would hold them as they looked at the pages, soothed by the sound of my voice. Starting early gets the parent in the habit as well as the baby. My boys, as rough and tumble as they are now, will still sit curled up with me on the couch and read books. Although now they sometimes prefer to read themselves, they still enjoy me reading to them, or me helping with words they don’t know. It is relaxing and educational and I feel blessed they both have a love of books that I hope they will carry for life.

I started purchasing books for Dylan when I was about five months pregnant. I knew I wanted my baby to grow up with a love of books and have a good book shelf to start with. One of the first books I purchased was The Complete Adventures of Curious George. I knew I wanted my child to have this classic character in his or her life. To this day, Curious George is one of my children's favorite characters. They have read the books, watched the television episodes, seen the movies, own Curious George stuffed toys, shirts, puzzles and met Curious George in person a few times.

A few years ago, I opened a Goodreads account for my boys. I wanted to keep track of the books we read, get recommendations for new books, keep a favorites list, a to-read list and most importantly, have the account for them to use when they become fathers someday.

I invite you to friend us on Goodreads at Dylan & Devon Tandoc. I love recommending books and sharing the books we have read. We have 100 favorites, books with strong and powerful meanings and beautiful illustrations. If you are not a Goodreads member, I highly recommend it. It is a free site/phone app and is absolutely one of the best book sites available. If you are interested, you can also friend my adult/author account at Sue Krawitz Tandoc. My first novel, His Kate, a romance love story, debuted in March, 2016.

Keep in mind, your children will remember the books you read to them. They will look at the pictures. They will learn. Instill a love of books in your children from an early age. They will develop a life-long love of reading. It is truly one of the best gifts you can give them.

I will be posting one blog per week and each will be based on children’s books and/or children’s authors. Follow my blog at I welcome all feedback, comments, suggestions and photos!

Cheers and happy reading!

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